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metadata schema中文是什么意思

用"metadata schema"造句"metadata schema"怎么读"metadata schema" in a sentence


  • 元数据模式


  • A study on characteristic of chinese metadata schema and some related issues
  • To resolve the problem , this paper proposes a metadata classified management mechanism ( mcmm for short ) based on data grid that de fines a data model and an application metadata schema arid applies different storage methods to different metadata , and mcmm designs a guide based query intelligence entity
  • With the rapid development of internet , digital library information resources are increasing with geometric series . in the face of tremendous amount of network resources , how to organize and describe digital library information resources so as to readers can find and utilize them expediently , is a problem that the librarians must solve urgently . firstly , this article describe the digital library information resources is different of other resources . it has its only orgnize and orgnize way . secondly , standards and specifications in the contents creation and resources description can be created in the course of the building of digital information resources . in these days , there are many metadata schemas in organizing digital library information resources . metadata schemas for resources description and domain specific markup languages have evolved dramatically during the last several years . this paper analyzes and discusses several metadata schemas . dublin core has been dramatically applied to the libraries for its advantages
用"metadata schema"造句  
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